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'Mr. Fixit' fixes it for the rugby
Monday, 17 November 2003, 9:43 am
Press Release: Give life

'Mr. Fixit' fixes it for the rugby

Organ Donor Reform Campaigner Andy Tookey, dubbed 'Mr. Fixit' after his attempts to fix the chronic organ donor shortage in New Zealand managed to 'fix it' for 800 rugby fans in Auckland over the weekend.

Audio Visual Technician, Andy and his wife Janice were celebrating Janice's birthday at the 'Loaded Hog Bar and Restaurant' on Auckland's waterfront when the bar's huge video display broke down.

The bar was packed to capacity, with some fans taking up the front row seats from as early as 3pm. "With only 5 minutes to go before the start of the game people were starting to get a bit frantic that it would not be able to be shown" said Mr.Tookey. "They were also aware it was too late to get a good viewing spot at any other venue. Management and staff were concerned that a large number of customer's would be upset and leave the venue to try and watch the game elsewhere." It was a bit like the old cliché "is there a doctor in the house?" except this time it was "is there a video technician in the house?"

Mr. Tookey slipped away from the birthday party and up onto the roof of the bar which houses the video equipment and managed to get the system working just moments before the National Anthem started, causing a great amount of cheering.

The grateful management sent over three of it's best bottles of bubbly to the birthday party. "It was a shame I couldn't fix the score as well, The problem was" said Mr.Tookey "that after three bottles of Champagne I couldn't even see the game."

a.. The campaign for a reformed organ donor system continues later this month with New Zealand Post auctioning a unique leather bound Trilogy Collection of stamps, signed by Peter Jackson at a Lord of the Rings City Celebration event the company is co-hosting with Wellington City Council on Wednesday 26 November. Only six of the Trilogy Collection of stamps are being minted, and only one will be signed. Mr.Tookey will be the guest speaker at the function, and all proceeds from the auction will go to the GiveLife Campaign. Mr. Tookey will also be guest speaker at the Return of the Ringers party being held at the Skyline Restaurant in Wellington the evening before the Premiere of The Return of the King. This will be followed by an auction with proceeds also going towards the GiveLife Campaign.

Film Director, Peter Jackson has invited the 'Tookey' Family to join the stars at the Premiere on December 1st.

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