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Jackson picks up rejected donor ad
by Derek Cheng

An advertisement promoting organ donation that was rejected by the Ministry of Health has been given a lifeline by film-maker Peter Jackson.

The Oscar-winning Jackson has included the ad, which encourages people to be organ donors, as an extra feature on The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King special edition DVD.

It was made three years ago by film-maker and cancer victim Cameron Duncan for GiveLife, a public campaign founded by Aucklander Andy Tookey.

The ad won the Fair Go Ad Award just before Cameron died in late 2003, aged 17.

But Mr Tookey’s efforts to release the promotional ad to the public were unsuccessful.

"I offered it to the Ministry of Health for free, and they’ve turned it down several times despite a select committee inquiry recommending a public awareness campaign.

"I believe the ministry has no intention of doing a public campaign ... one donor can save up to 10 lives."

The ministry yesterday denied this, but confirmed it had turned down Cameron’s advertisement, saying that no money was available at the time for a national public awareness campaign on organ donation.

Jackson, without asking, added the advertisement to disc four of the special edition Return of the King box set, which is expected to sell 30 million copies worldwide.

After hearing about GiveLife, Jackson contacted Mr Tookey and offered his support. Mr Tookey founded GiveLife after learning that his 3-year-old daughter, Katie, had a rare condition and would need a liver-transplant to survive.

The two film-makers met when Mr Tookey brought Cameron to Jackson’s studios.

While Katie still waits, Mr Tookey campaigns.

Ministry spokeswoman Deborah Woodley said the Government was creating a new agency, Organ Donation New Zealand, to give a national focus to organ donation.

It would advise on a public awareness campaign in the future.

Courtesy of the New Zealand Herald

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