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Human Tissue Act Online Petition
Wednesday, 5 January 2005, 1:26 pm
Press Release: Give life

Human Tissue Act Online Petition

Sometime this year the Parliamentary Health Select Committee will be reviewing the laws surrounding the Human Tissue Act 1964.

One of the areas they will be looking at is whether family members can veto your wish to be an organ donor. Some members of the transplant related services here in New Zealand have publicly opposed such a change. They wish to keep the system of families deciding for you what happens to your body after your death.

In the unlikely event that you would be eligible to be an organ donor (you are more likely to need a transplant than become a donor) would you, if you had previously stated that you want to be a donor be happy that even if nine of your family members agreed to your wish but one did not, then your wish would not be carried out?

If not then please sign our petition!

At the Select Committee hearings I intend to present the petition, and as there is likely to be strong representation from the medical people against autonomy, I equally want to show them that there is huge public support for your wishes to be respected.

The petition is not restricted to the people of New Zealand, it a worldwide issue that others around the world are concerned about. So no matter where you reside, If you want to decide what happens to your body after your demise and not put the burden on either grieving families who are being asked to make a decision at a traumatic time, or deferring it to some long lost cousin you haven't seen in years then...

Please sign our petition!

If the Committee sees a strong show of support from the public it may have a strong influence on the outcome. If New Zealand was to endorse this it may open the way for it to happen in other countries also?

Signing the petition is easy! Just click this link: http://www.petitiononline.com/GiveLife/petition.html

It is a secure site so that signatures can not be duplicated etc.

Obviously to make this effective we need as many thousands of signatures as possible, so as well as signing it please either forward this email or the link to as many people you can think of who may like to support this imitative.

Bookmark the link so as you, or any news reporters reading this can go back to the site at any time and see the list growing and read the comments that people have added.

Thanks for your support. Lets hope to make some real progress in 2005!


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