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Dad's ad to bring hope

Andy Tookey and his wife Jan with daughter Katie

FILMING has started on a television commercial to raise awareness in New Zealand about organ donation following a Newport-born man's campaign.

Andy Tookey's daughter, Katie, who is two this autumn, will one day need a life-saving liver transplant.

But Mr Tookey, an ex-pupil of Queen's Comprehensive, was horrified to discover his adopted home of New Zealand had the lowest number of organ donors in the developed world.

Figures just released show the projected figures of donors in the country for this year are just 9.49 per million people.

He blames the system operated in the country, where the only way potential donors can register their wishes is on their driving licences.

"As ticking donor on your driving licence means nothing as your licence is not checked in the event of your death and, even if it was, it is your family that decides whether you are going to be a donor or not - not you - the commercial carries the simple message of `talk to your family, tell them what your wishes are'.

"We hope this commercial will raise public awareness of the shortage and encourage people to do just that."

Mr Tookey went on set to watch the filming of the first scenes of the ad. It is being made by award-winning film- maker and teenage cancer victim Cameron Duncan.

They have had the full support of Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson, who has offered advice and facilities.

The commercial, which shows how ordinary people can be heroes by becoming donors and saving the lives of up to seven people, is to be entered into the Fair Go Ad Awards.

"I really want to win this one," said award-winning film-maker Cameron. "It's about promoting organ donation, so if I win it's good for me, and it's good for people needing organs."

 Courtesy of the South Wales Argus - August 25th 2003

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Katie Tookey's story is on video.

Kiwis like Katie depend on 'the gift of life'.

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